Syml Lyfe is a multi-functional app that helps families, friends and communities to coordinate activities, consolidate schedules and collaborate with each other to simplify our lives. You will be able to create groups to chat with, import calendars and sports/activity schedules while being able to create carpool Syml’s (requests), schedule playdates, ask a neighbor for help, and much more.
Download the Syml Lyfe app from the iPhone App Store, then begin to create account. Follow the screens and when asked to enter a Promo Code, please enter NJEA25. The promo code will automatically allow for two months of complimentary service. Use of promo code is once per account created for one year.
Download the Syml Lyfe app from the iPhone App Store, then begin to create account. Follow the screens and when asked to enter a Promo Code, please enter NJEA25. The promo code will automatically allow for two months of complimentary service. Use of promo code is once per account created for one year.
Scott Wendrychowicz
Scott Wendrychowicz