Peak Medical & Wellness Centers – Paramus

Show proof of NJEA membership to receive a complimentary 60 minute therapeutic massage and trigger point evaluation or a complimentary NormaTEC treatment for either an upper or lower body part. NJEA members also receive a 20% discount on all out-of-pocket services and treatments, including Regenerative Medicine treatments, Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) treatments, IV therapies, massage therapy, and nutritional supplements.

Conveniently located in Paramus (205 Robin Road, Suite 118) and Wayne (82 Totowa Road, Suite 100), Peak Medical Centers is committed to helping everyone in pain rid themselves of it, in a responsible way, with an integrated and modern approach to health and wellness that does not rely on opioids and surgeries. We take an integrated approach to wellness, addressing your concerns and needs, while providing comprehensive care services to ensure that you have the ability to heal without drugs or surgeries.

Federal employee or Medicare
Brandon Picchierri, Marketing Manager
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