NJCTL Preservice Benefit

NNJEA members receive a 20% discount off NJCTL tuition of $225/credit ($180 for NJEA members). To receive this discount, add your NJEA Membership Number to your existing NJCTL account under affiliations, or when registering for a new account at www.njctl.org/register/ Any questions email info@njctl.org.

NJEA Preservice Members can begin to earn graduate credit while they complete their preservice program. Graduate credits are offered in Teaching and Learning: physics, chemistry, K12 mathematics, biology, physical science, middle school science, middle school mathematics, computer science and special education.

NJCTL is an online graduate school of education duly authorized by the NJ Office of the Secretary of Higher Education with initial programmatic accreditation from AAQEP. It has been determined by WSCUC to be eligible to apply for institutional accreditation. Founded by NJEA in 2007, NJCTL is a top producer of the teachers and free resources needed to provide all students access to K-AP science, mathematics, and computer science.

Rosemary Knab, Senior Advisor
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